Sandy shows you in this video how to make double bows with this tutorial. This is a great bow for flower arrangements, presents or to use as decorations for a party. Watch this how to video and you wi ...

Jane from Afloral.com shows you how to make a bow using #40 satin ribbon with this tutorial. This is a beautiful ribbon for a present, a flower arrangement or just as a decoration. You will also learn ...

In this tutorial, Jane from Afloral.com shows you how to make may loop bow using double face wired satin ribbon. This is a beautiful bow for flower arrangements, presents, or decoration at a party. Wa ...

Need a last-minute costume for Halloween or a party? Well yee-haw, pard'ner, you can slap together a cowboy outfit in no time. Watch this how-to video to learn how put a cowboy costume with items you ...

This how to video illustrates "Furoshiki", a Japanese gift-giving tradition. Practice this beautiful tradition with this holiday how to video. "Furoshiki" is also a very eco-friendly way to wrap prese ...

You'll need more than just fake fangs and a Bela Lugosi impersonation to pull off a convincing vampire costume. Check out this video to up one on Dracula. ...

Set a perfectly beautiful Thanksgiving Table! This step-by-step guide from Julie Mulligan shows you just what to do to create an unforgettable table this Thanksgiving Day! In this video, Julie teaches ...

Set a perfectly beautiful Thanksgiving Table! This step-by-step guide from Julie Mulligan shows you just what to do to create an unforgettable table this Thanksgiving Day! In this video, Julie teaches ...